Decline in Show Quality Reflects Societal Decline

     With shows like Jersey Shore and South Park gaining more and more viewers, it is obvious that the amount of crude shows are on the rise thanks to a loosened grip by the FCC. Television is no longer dominated by the Dick Van Dykes and Lucille Balls of the world; rather, shows that the Parents Television Council frown upon are steadily increasing in number. While it may seem that there is a decline in modern television, it should be noted that crude language does not always constitute compromised quality. Yes, Jersey Shore is not exactly a highlight where quality television is concerned; however, do not let intoxicated, self-proclaimed Guidos form your opinion of modern television. Shows like House and Lost offer well-developed plots and complex character development. While it is true that crude language and sexual innuendos are a regular occurrence these days, it should be noted that shows like Weeds and Dexter, which often implement these things must be examined as a whole so that the viewer understands the witty realism at work. The world does not exist in a virtuous vacuum, thus depictions of less than virtuous humanity is relatively accurate. Television shows are indeed an art form thought up by people trying to convey an idea or lifestyle as they see it. If we are to condemn them for expressing that in a seemingly crude way, then clearly accuracy and the freedom of expression are no longer priorities of our culture. We need not allow Jerry Springer to taint the image of modern television; rather, we should encourage the production of television shows that are successful artistic endeavors.

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